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Santiam Counseling Center

Counseling for anyone, even those who don’t like counseling. 

“I’m not the kind of person who talks to a counselor. I try to work things out in my own way.”

At Santiam Counseling Center we understand how people arrive at this conclusion.

Our goal is to work with you to develop resources that may better fit the way you “work things out.”

Our Services

We currently offer both in-person and telehealth options. For in-person sessions, we follow all Oregon COVID sanitation, social distancing, and face-covering requirements.

Couples and Families

For times when relationships seem to bring more tension and frustration than love and support.


For times when you want to more successfully work through a challenging experience or relationship.

Located in Bend, Oregon, Santiam Counseling Center offers mental health services to the Central Oregon Community.